• The precious fossils are carefully bound in bubble wrap and placed in fireproof cases. Soon the fossils will have a new home—the laboratory— and the world will get to know all the secrets these fossils have to offer.

Ask An Anthropologist

Ask An Anthropologist is an educational resource for students, teachers, parents, and life-long learners. We encourage anyone interested in anthropology to make use of its content.

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Powered by Becoming Human

Becoming human brings together interactive multimedia, research and scholarship to promote greater understanding of the course of human evolution.

Illustration of lucy shuttle on the way to Trojan asteroids

Lucy in Space

The Lucy Mission will be the first space mission to explore a group of small asteroids known as the Trojan asteroids. We want to engage you in a contest connecting the human ancestor “Lucy” and the exploration of the some of the oldest objects in the solar system—the Trojan Asteroids or “fossils of the Solar System”!
A Brief History of History Thumbnail image

A Brief History of History

What does it mean to be human? Take a look at the story of how we became…well…us. The search for our first ancestors who looked and acted like people today is the search for what it means to be human.
Compare the size if primate brains in this activity!

Head to Head

The modern human brain is the largest and most complex of any living primate. As you will learn in this activity, it is also larger than the brains of our ancient human ancestors. What does brain size have to do with our biology?
Link to Chomp Into the Past

Chomp Into the Past

Sitting on the sofa, you flip through a family photo album. You see a young man dressed in a uniform from the 1940s. Your father looks a lot like the man in the black and white photograph. You flip another page and go further back in time.