Site Map
- Home
- All Activities
- Coloring Pages & Worksheets
- Teacher Toolbox
- A Brief History of History
- Babies, Birth, and Brains
- Because Your DNA Says So (quiz)
- Brains over Brawn
- Chipping Away
- Controlling the Code (quiz)
- Life is Spelled A, T, C, G
- Off to the Field We Go
- Our Primate Heritage
- Team Primates
- Technology and Human Learning
- The Setting for Science
- There's no I in Human
- To the Laboratory!
- When Did Our Brains Get Big?
- Puzzles
- Experiments
- High School First Place Winner
- High School Second Place Winner
- High School Third Place Winner
- Middle School First Place Winner
- Middle School Second Place Winner
- Middle School Third Place Winner
- All Stories
World of Anthropology
- Babies, Birth, and Brains
- Because Your DNA Says So
- Brains over Brawn
- Changing Climates and Changing Faces
- Chipping Away: Tools in the Stone Age
- Chomp Into the Past
- Controlling the Code
- Fossil Hunters
- Fossils Rock: How Geology is Used in the Fossil Record
- Historical Human Habitats
- Life is Spelled A, T, C, G
- Off to the Field We Go
- On the Origin of Species
- Our Primate Heritage
- Team Primates
- Technology and Human Learning
- The Setting for Science
- The Tales of Teeth
- There's no I in Human
- To the Laboratory!
- Walking Upright: A Tale of Two Legs
- When Did Our Brains Get Big?
- Who Are You?
Stories in other languages
- Bebés, nacimiento y cerebros
- Cerebros versus masa corporal
- Controlando el código
- El origen de las especies
- El relato de los dientes
- Equipo Primates
- La vida se deletrea A, T, C, G
- Las preguntas más populares
- Nuestra herencia primate
- Una breve historia de la historia
- ¿Cuándo comenzaron nuestros antepasados humanos a caminar sobre dos pies y cómo lo sabemos?
- ¿Cuándo nuestros antepasados humanos utilizaron herramientas de piedra?
- ¿Cuándo nuestros cerebros se hicieron grandes?
- ¿Cómo afectaron los cambios en el clima de la Tierra a nuestros antepasados humanos?
- ¿Cómo es ser un antropólogo en el campo?
- ¿Por qué el tamaño de nuestro cerebro cambió con el tiempo?
- ¿Por qué los humanos cooperan entre sí y viven en grupos?
- ¿Qué hace un antropólogo?
- ¿Qué plantas y animales vivieron junto con nuestros antiguos ancestros?
- ¿Qué podemos aprender sobre el desarrollo humano al estudiar a chimpancés y babuinos?
- ¿Qué pueden decirnos las rocas y los sedimentos sobre cómo nuestros antiguos ancestros se desarrollaron en los últimos 4 millones de años?
Top Questions
- How did changes in the Earth’s climate affect our human ancestors?
- I think I found a fossil/artifact! What should I do with it?
- What can rocks and sediments tell us about how our ancient ancestors developed over the last 4 million years?
- What can we learn about human development from chimpanzees and baboons?
- What does an anthropologist do?
- What is it like to be an anthropologist in the field?
- What plants and animals lived with our ancient ancestors?
- When did human ancestors begin walking on two legs and how do we know?
- When did human ancestors use stone tools?
- Why did the size of our brains change over time?
- Why do humans cooperate and live in groups?
Listen & Watch
- A Human Climate
- Chimpanzee Mother and Babies
- Could other species evolve into humans? w/ Donald Johanson
- Discovery: The Fossil Jaw of Homo
- How did you know where to find Lucy? w/ Donald Johanson
- How should we treat other species and the planet? w/ Donald Johanson
- How will humans look 1,000 years from now? w/ Donald Johanson
- In the Field: Exploring Pondoland, South Africa
- Looking into Lucy
- Skeleton Secrets
- What did we learn from Lucy? w/ Donald Johanson
- What makes us human? w/ Donald Johanson
- Meet Our Anthropologists
- Images
- Links
- Contact
- About
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Ask An Anthropologist
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